Chapman Christian Academy
Welcomes You
Our Institutional Education Program
Chapman Christian Academy elementary uses the Abeka Book curriculum. In the 7th through 12th grades, this curriculum is used for eighty percent of the classes, supplemented by the Bob Jones curriculum. If we see something in another curriculum that is impressive, it may be used.
Elementary grades are kept to between twelve to sixteen students per class, and junior high and high school classes seldom exceed twenty students.
Most students are in age appropriate classes. There is a fast track with exceptional students being offered advanced courses. At the other end of the spectrum, students that need some extra help or work more slowly than others do receive some modifications if deemed necessary. Both of these anomalies are only conducted under close supervision of teacher and parents.
Formal teacher meetings are conducted every two weeks where child's progress or lack thereof is discussed. Every day each teacher is contacted briefly after school for a daily oral report on how the day went, any problems, etc. Parents are contacted when deemed necessary. Report cards are issued every six weeks for elementary grades and every nine weeks for high school. All papers in the elementary are sent home to be signed and returned.
• ABEKA BOOK: Pensacola Christian College , Pensacola , Fl. 32523-9100
• BOB JONES UNIVERSITY PRESS: Greenville , South Carolina
• SOUTH-WESTERN PUBLISHING CO.: (Accounting Curriculum) Cincinnati , Ohio
English- Four (4) credits
Science - Four (4) credits: Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry and Health are required core courses.
Mathematics - Four (4) credits: Algebra 1 and Geometry are required core subjects; (one credit of the following: Consumer Math, Business Math, or Accounting)
History - Four (4) credits: American History, U.S. Government, Economics, World History, and Geography. (Required core subjects)
these are offered on a rotating basis. We offer the following: Life Management, Criminal Justice, Mnemonics, Speech, Psychology, Sociology, Western Civilization, Consumer Math, Business Math, Business Law, Accounting, and Marketing.
Chapman Christian Academy is an accredited private school with the National Association of Private Schools.
Our graduates have in the past and are currently attending universities, colleges, and trade schools throughout the Southeast and Beyond.
We are also on the Armed Services list of accepted schools and currently have graduates serving in all branches of the Armed Services.

Enriching Elementary Students
At Chapman Christian Academy we award all forms of academic excellence and achievement during our various award ceremonies at the end of each year.
Graduating Classes Since 1995
For over 25 years and counting, Chapman Christian Academy has been awarding graduates of our curriculum a high school diploma for their achievements.

Our History & Philosophy
Why Choose Us
The basic philosophy of Chapman Christian is to provide a traditional education in the minimum amount of time. A Christian curriculum is used and a Christian world view is taught.
Child safety is the number one priority, coupled with highly qualified teachers working with relatively small amount of students per class. This ensures that each student is treated as an individual.
Chapman Christian Academy attempts to ascertain each of the student's individual needs through standardized testing, evaluation of grades from former schools, if any, and personal interviews with students and teachers. A program is then implemented that will hopefully help the child to attain their personal potential.
Chapman Christian Academy offers classes from K-5 to 12th grade. Classes run from 7:45 a.m. - 12:00 noon Monday through Thursday. Chapman Christian Academy offers pure academics without lunch, study halls, home economics, physical education, etc.
Chapman Christian Academy hires only the highest quality people to work with the students that attend these schools. Although teachers are not required to be state certified, all high school teachers are degreed and professional people. Elementary teachers must either have a teaching degree or at least two years experience teaching in the elementary level. All teachers participate in in-house training that takes place during the year.
Chapman Christian Academy is a part of Chapman Christian Church. Chapman Christian Academy operates a church school in the state of Alabama. This school consists of a campus in Millbrook, Alabama, offering a higher degree of education for Kindergarten through Seniors (K-12) for over 12 years. Chapman Christian Academy offers an atmosphere where every child can reach their potential and have a chance to succeed.

Our Policies & Procedures
Discipline & Dress Code
BOYS : No shorts, pants must be at waist level with a belt. No body piercing, (including earrings); must be clean-shaven, but a small mustache is allowed. No visible tattoos.
GIRLS: No shorts. No skirts above the knees. No midriffs showing. No low-cut blouses. No body piercings besides earrings. No visible tattoos.
Students that break the dress code will be sent home to change clothes and parents will be notified; repeated offenses are grounds for expulsion from school.
• Any physical abuse (no physical contact)
• Any verbal abuse (mocking, taunting, threats, etc)
• Profanity on school grounds.
• Disrespect towards teachers
• If anything unlawful, such as drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products are found on a student or are viewed in his/her car
• Behavior after school hours that is unlawful or reflects negatively on C.C.A
• Irresponsible driving, including the noise pollution law, will result in a loss of driving privileges and possible expulsion.
• Unexcused absences or leaving the campus without permission
• An “F” in any subject on a report card automatically puts a student on academic probation. Students with more than one “F” on a semester report card will not be allowed to return.
• More information on Dress Code for K4-6th grades available upon request.

Tuition is $230 per month for the first child. 2nd – 5th child discounted to $160 each.
Book fee of $260 is due during the first month of admission. ($230 for Kindergarten)
NO Registration fees, building fees, or any other hidden fees of any kind.
NO fund raisers.
Jon Chapman
Jon Chapman is the founder and operator of Chapman Christian Academy. Mr. Chapman is married with four children. He has served in ministries for 35 years as Youth Pastor, Associate Pastor and Pastor. Before starting Chapman Christian Academy, he taught in the Public School System for three years.
Mr. Chapman's qualifications are as follows:
Bachelor's of Science in Psychology– Abilene Christian University
Masters of Science in Counseling – Corpus Christi State University
Masters of Science in Education – Troy State University
Masters Level Teaching Certification – State of Alabama
Former mayor, Town of Coosada